"Thou shalt arise and have compassion on Zion, for the time to favor her, Yea, the appointed time has come."
Psalm 102:13
"Thou shalt arise and have compassion on Zion, for the time to favor her, Yea, the appointed time has come."
Psalm 102:13
"Thou shalt arise and have compassion on Zion, for the time to favor her, Yea, the appointed time has come."
Psalm 102:13

"Thou shalt arise and have compassion on Zion, for the time to favor her, Yea, the appointed time has come."
Psalm 102:13
Bridges For Peace
Ephesians 2

Life Is a Life of Kingdom
Life Is a Life of Kingdom
Replacement Theology
Replacement theology, also known as displacement, views the church as a replacement of Israel in God’s plan, thereby displacing the Jewish people as no longer God’s chosen people. Further, it destroys the relationship between the church and Israel as the church is expanding Israel by assigning a specific covenant theological construct that was given to Israel alone. For example.
1. Covenant theology sees the plans or purposes of God moving through stages of God’s kingdom on earth, one progressively moving away from Israel in a framework of previous covenants, i.e.,( the New Covenant overwrites entirely any vestiges of the Old Covenant. This often includes the Ten Commandments, Moedim ( Feasts), Abrahamic covenant.
For Instance:
a. God began with Adam to reveal His sovereignty, kingship, and His role in humanity, this for the destiny He had planned for the earth (Genesis. 1–3).
b. God then carried His principles forward in the Noach covenant (Genesis. 6, 9)
Although the Rainbow remains in the sky as a reminder of this covenant.
c. Gods plan progressed through the Abrahamic covenant by promising that
Abraham’s descendants would become great people and nation and spread God’s
Blessings to all other nations (Genesis 15,17), which would first be realized and
Fulfilled in the New Covenant upon Yeshua's first advent.
d. Building on these covenants, Israel was blessed with His law (Torah) in the days of Moses, when God gave to Israel on Sinai the Law on the tablets of stone. (Exodus. 19– 24), but will be displaced by the New Covenant age.
c. Where covenant succession breaks are upon both Israel's rejection of Yeshua and
the ratification of the New Covenant), according to Replacement thinking, this
displaces previous covenants as The Mosaic Law and the Abrahamic Covenant)
while the Church and the New Covenant Christian replaces the Jew and literal
Israel. This is also in opposition to a "dual covenant theology
the perspective that views the Mosaic Law as still valid for Jewish people.
Replacement theology upholds that all previous covenants were taken to new heights as God established the Davidic dynasty in promising that one of his sons would rule in righteousness over Israel and the entire world (Psalms. 72; 89; 132). All Old Testament covenants were then enlarged and fulfilled in Christ (Jeremiah. 31:31; 2Corinthians. 1:19–20). Since all the covenants find their fulfillment in the above, and the New Testament church, or New Covenant, replaces Israel, including the many promises made to Israel in the Bible, they are now fulfilled in the Christian church rather than a future fulfillment awaiting Israel.
a. All prophecies in Scripture concerning the blessing and restoration of Israel to the Promised Land are spiritualized or allegorized into promises of God’s blessing for the church.
b. The Jewish people's continuing existence ceases, including Israel's modern state, giving rise to usurpation by the Gentile church of what is rightfully and wholly belonging to Israel and the Jewish people. But it should be noted, any such usurpation, other than the Gentile now a sharer in the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2), is the replacement, or displacement in principle, which is not found in the Scriptures.
*If we replace the Jewish people from their distinctive calling, it becomes
tough to explain their supernatural sustained survival and their return to the
land promised by God. How could we even attempt to explain their return to
the land as a nation in the last century except that it fulfills
specific Biblical prophecies?
Replacement theology requires that the former covenants before the New Covenant are all fulfilled in Jesus--Yeshua. And rather than seeing each covenant as a pillar articulating the whole of God's plan (one covenant giving deference to the former), they are broken, thereby weakening the entire chain.

Replacement, Displacement, and Supersessionism, all replace Gods enduring covenant with Israel with the New Testament church, and the Jew with the New Testament Christian.
They up-seat the Jewish people placing all the blessing of God that were given to the Jew by re-assigning them to the Gentiles. The curses however remain upon the shoulders of the Jewish people.